Saturday, February 10, 2007


16 days snowboarding plus a few days travelling. 3 weeks later and I'm back home. I'm slowly getting back into the NZ time zone, but still missing seeing snow everywhere and hanging out with my Furano friends. It was good to catch up with the guys at work though, things are pretty busy so I don't have too much time to spend reminiscing about the holiday.

I was waiting in line at the supermarket and just looking around and it dawned on me "everyone's so TALL.....and big!". I'm hardly a giant in Japan but feel like I blend in the with average height, whereas I'm dwarfed back home by the big solid Southland lads & lasses.

Now to start planning this seasons snow adventures in NZ. It's all about the snow...

1 comment:

hoon said...

you need to check this out:

and South Island pwnz!!!!!